Built-in doodads and levels of Sketchy Maze.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

62 lines
1.7 KiB

const playerSpeed = 12;
let Vx = Vy = 0,
walking = false,
direction = "right",
lastDirection = direction;
function main() {
Self.SetHitbox(0, 0, 32, 52);
Self.AddAnimation("walk-left", 200, ["stand-left", "walk-left-1", "walk-left-2", "walk-left-3", "walk-left-2", "walk-left-1"]);
Self.AddAnimation("walk-right", 200, ["stand-right", "walk-right-1", "walk-right-2", "walk-right-3", "walk-right-2", "walk-right-1"]);
Self.AddAnimation("idle-left", 200, ["idle-left-1", "idle-left-2", "idle-left-3", "idle-left-2"]);
Self.AddAnimation("idle-right", 200, ["idle-right-1", "idle-right-2", "idle-right-3", "idle-right-2"]);
// If the player suddenly changes direction, reset the animation state to quickly switch over.
let lastVelocity = Vector(0, 0);
Events.OnKeypress((ev) => {
Vx = 0;
Vy = 0;
let curVelocity = Self.GetVelocity();
if ((lastVelocity.X < 0 && curVelocity.X > 0) ||
(lastVelocity.X > 0 && curVelocity.X < 0)) {
lastVelocity = curVelocity;
lastDirection = direction;
let wasWalking = walking;
if (ev.Right) {
direction = "right";
Vx = playerSpeed;
walking = true;
} else if (ev.Left) {
direction = "left";
Vx = -playerSpeed;
walking = true;
} else {
// Has stopped walking!
walking = false;
stoppedWalking = true;
// Should we stop animating? (changed state)
if (direction !== lastDirection || wasWalking !== walking) {
// And play what animation?
if (!Self.IsAnimating()) {
if (walking) {
Self.PlayAnimation("walk-"+direction, null);
} else {
Self.PlayAnimation("idle-"+direction, null);