End user documentation site for Sketchy Maze. https://www.sketchymaze.com/guidebook/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

23 lines
751 B

site_name: "Sketchy Maze: Guidebook"
use_directory_urls: false
- Home: index.md
- About Sketchy Maze: about.md
- Change History: changes.md
- Controls: controls.md
- Creating Levels: custom-levels/index.md
- Publishing Levels: custom-levels/publishing.md
- Custom Wallpaper: custom-levels/custom-wallpaper.md
- Built-in Doodads: doodads.md
- Linked Doodads: linked-doodads.md
- Creating Custom Doodads: custom-doodads/index.md
- Drawing Doodads: custom-doodads/edit-in-game.md
- Doodad Scripts: custom-doodads/scripts.md
- Shortcut Keys: hotkeys.md
- "`doodad` Program": doodad-tool.md
- Hacking: hacking.md
- Open Source Licenses: licenses.md
theme: readthedocs
- toc:
permalink: "#"